🎉Getting Started

Mainnet dApp is live on BSC network. DApp is integrated with Venus protocol to generate APY and with Pancakeswap for order execution.

You can start on https://beta.octane.finance/ and place your limit orders for BNB/BUSD pairs to earn APY's on the order funds.

Core Protocol Contracts

Octane : 0x563AF5Db2Ad4d22A9807D65F14aE88F71101A2bd VenusHandler : 0x7d90d28CbB835735B410835B176BEb0F70104a93 PancakeSwapHandler : 0x6071D90610871873BD2Ff810462B26f1486308c1 WBNB : 0xbb4cdb9cbd36b01bd1cbaebf2de08d9173bc095c BUSD : 0xe9e7CEA3DedcA5984780Bafc599bD69ADd087D56

Create Order

Create a limit order by selecting the trading pair (BNB/BUSD), side (buy/sell), amount, and the limit price. Once you create the order, the src token will be sent to Venus protocol to generate interest. You can cancel your order anytime (You will still receive interest generated till that time).

Track Order

You can track your order status, gains, limit conditions, etc from the list of active/past orders. Created and Executed orders are shown under the active orders tab. Cancelled and Withdrawn orders are shown under the past orders tab.

Withdraw Order

Once your limit order is executed, you will still generate APY on your destination tokens (You can withdraw order funds + gains anytime).

Order Fee

A fee of 0.3% is charged on the limit order for swapping tokens, this is distributed to the executor network.

Read more about mainnet product here: https://octanefinance.medium.com/octane-mainnet-beta-is-live-on-bsc-6e2716a73ede

Last updated